Calvert to Kagaru project update October 2021
As part of the Coordinated Projects’ process, the Queensland Coordinator-General has evaluated the Inland Rail Calvert to Kagaru project’s draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and decided additional information is required.
October 12, 2021

As part of the Coordinated Projects’ process, the Queensland Coordinator-General has evaluated the Calvert to Kagaru project’s draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), including public exhibition submissions, and decided additional information is required.
ARTC is required to provide further information regarding the environmental impacts of the project and submit a revised draft EIS. The Coordinator-General is seeking additional information on several issues including noise and vibration, traffic and transport, stakeholder engagement, environmental values, flooding, groundwater, economic assessment, social impact, and air quality.
Details about the Calvert to Kagaru project’s EIS process are available on the Coordinator-General’s website.
The Coordinator-General has also provided ARTC with the 846 public submissions received on the draft EIS for ARTC to respond to. ARTC’s response to submissions will be included as part of the revised draft EIS.
ARTC will now:
- review the request for additional information
- undertake additional field work, as requested and if required
- update the applicable draft EIS chapters including re-running of models such as noise models, flood models etc
- submit a revised draft EIS.
Notification of details for any further public consultation regarding the revised draft EIS will be provided in 2022 along with information on how you can have your say.
Scenic Rim Community Consultative Committee meeting
The next Scenic Rim CCC meeting will be held on Thursday 14 October 2021 at the Workshops Rail Museum, North Street, North Ipswich.
This meeting will focus on the Coordinator-General’s request for additional information and the revised draft EIS.
Please visit the Scenic Rim CCC webpage for details about the meeting.