Works and planning for Phase 2: Moree to Camurra

The project involves upgrading 14km of existing rail track and formation across the Mehi-Gwydir floodplain and the construction of around 1.6km of new rail track to bypass the existing Camurra Hairpin. It also includes a 1.3km spur to reconnect the Weemelah line.

The section starts immediately north of the Alice Street level crossing in Moree and ends at Camurra North, just past the Moree Gun Club.

Works in Phase 2 include:

  • revising the position of the railway corridor to provide the maximum operational efficiency. This includes bypassing the current hairpin turn at Camurra
  • raising railway heights to achieve improved flood immunity and enhance operational capability
  • replacing and realigning existing bridges over the Mehi and Gwydir rivers
  • upgrading cross drainage and associated flood management works
  • modifying, closing or replacing level crossings to improve safety, integrate with the revised railway alignment and maintain property access
  • replacing or upgrading of utilities, infrastructure and fencing affected by the track upgrade.

Phase 2 works will link to the Phase 1 upgraded rail line and the Weemelah line that branches off at Camurra.

Thumbnail image of Narrabri to North Star Phase 2 project map

Narrabri to North Star Phase 2 key features project map

This document is a simple map showing the key features of the Narrabri to North Star Phase 2 proposed alignment.

Download PDF

Planning, technical studies and environmental approvals

Since 2019 we’ve completed a range of investigations and studies to support the environmental planning and engineering design process. Key work undertaken so far includes:

  • Operational noise and vibration modelling
  • Hydrology and flood modelling, including calibrations using data from recent flooding events and levee bank level survey results
  • Ecological and cultural heritage field studies
  • Level crossing safety assessments.

Environmental Impact Statement


The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was formally lodged with the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) in early September 2022.

The EIS supports an application for approval of the project as a Critical State Significant Infrastructure (CSSI) planning proposal under division 5.2 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act).

It addresses the NSW Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements for Phase 2 Moree to Camurra, issued in October 2020.

The EIS describes the potential impacts of the project and proposed mitigation measures. It also captures information gathered from consultation with landowners and other stakeholders and demonstrates how this consultation was considered in finalising the proposed alignment.

The EIS was on public exhibition from 21 September 2022 until midnight on Wednesday 9 November 2022. DPHI received 19 public submissions received and 11 pieces of agency and council advice in response to the EIS. These have been captured and addressed in a Response to Submissions Report (RtS). Thank you to everyone who participated in the process.

After assessing the EIS, DPHI requested further information relating to hydrology and flooding, and operational noise impacts in a Preferred Infrastructure Report (PIR). This report includes information on additional assessments, consultation, and design refinements in response to DPHI’s request. It also documents several additional mitigation measures developed since the EIS.

All documents are available to view on the Narrabri to North Star Phase 2 project page of the NSW Government’s Major Projects website.

Next steps

DPHI will consider the RtS and PIR and determine if any further information is required.

DPHI will then asses the proposal and all documents and provide an assessment report to the NSW Minister for Planning to consider when determining the project approval.

As the proposal was declared a ‘controlled action’ under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Act 1999 (EPBC Act) in 2020, Australian Government assessment and approval is also required. Subject to Australian Government approval the proposal will be further refined leading up to and during the detailed design phase, to further minimise environmental impacts.

We expect to finalise the approvals process in the first half of 2025.

Early next year we will also begin work on the next stage of engineering design, refining what has been done so far and including new information and feedback from DPHI.

The EIS and supporting documents, including the submissions and advice, are available to view on the NSW Government’s Major Projects website.

EIS summary of findings

This document summarises the information contained in the EIS. It will help you navigate the EIS and direct you to where you can find more information within the many sections of the full document.

View summary of findings

Aerial view of a road