Response to Submissions Report summary
A Response to Submissions (RtS) Report is a requirement of the NSW Government’s Major Project planning process under Division 5.2 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW).
The report documents and responds to 19 submissions and 11 pieces of advice received by the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) during Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) exhibition in late 2022.
Inland Rail has carefully considered the content of the submissions and advice and has prepared responses to questions and any issues raised. The report also describes actions taken since the EIS was placed on public exhibition.
For example, it outlines a set of mitigation measures, which incorporate amendments made in response to submissions and advice, or new information.
Key issues raised
Most of the community submissions received were from within the Moree area. Across all the submissions and advice received, the most frequently raised issues were:
- Environmental, social and economic impacts – Impacts relating to hydrology and flooding, soil and contamination, heritage, animals, working hours, air quality, traffic and transport, land use and property, visual amenity, social and economic and hazards and safety.
- Noise and vibration – During construction and operation.
- The proposal – The Inland Rail route and use of the corridor through urban Moree. Concerns around stock management, fencing, vertical and horizonal alignment clearances and future flood immunity of the proposal.
- Procedural matters – Concerns around business and program-level decision making as it relates to property issues within the proposal area.
- Issues beyond the scope of the proposal – Impacts relating to the removal and replacement of infrastructure, hydrology impacts associated with other construction projects within Moree and impacts relating to other Inland Rail sections.
Refinements to proposal
Further investigations have been completed, following the public exhibition of the EIS and minor design refinements have been included in the proposal as a result of the submissions and advice received including:
Consolidation of two and upgrade of five level crossings, including upgrading three from passive to active.
Updated temporary occupation and permanent acquisition impacts due to refinement of design, including contractor lay-down and construction areas and site access intersections/roads.
Vertical alignment adjustments, including to the Mehi and Gwydir bridges to provide additional clearance and access.
Determination of preferred operational noise mitigation methods in Moree township.
Cross drainage design refinements and the inclusion of additional culvert structures.
Potential for raising select existing flood protection levees on private property.
Feasibility study for an emergency services access road beneath the Mehi River road and rail bridges.