We are committed to working with property owners and stakeholders in communities along the project alignment to receive their feedback as we progress our planning.
To date, our team has spoken with many property owners and community members who may experience impacts associated with Inland Rail. We understand that some local residents have concerns about potential impacts to their properties during construction and once Inland Rail is operational.
We received a lot of valuable feedback as part of the project approvals processes.
The Stockinbingal to Parkes project scope of works is within the existing rail corridor and we are committed to working with the local community to find solutions to concerns wherever we can. As a result of community consultation, we have been able to identify the Daroobalgie Road level crossing for upgrade to active and put provisions in place to mitigate associated noise. In addition, we have addressed flooding concerns from neighbouring properties through the installation of new culverts.
Through community consultation we have minimised the impacts of design on heritage sites and structures including Forbes Rail Station, Lachlan River road bridge and the Milvale water tank and continue to provide updates as we progress planning.
Consultation events
There are currently no upcoming consultation events.
Forbes Rotary Market
We visited the Forbes community to share an update on the project and seek feedback on our detailed designs progressing for lowering the track at Wyndham Avenue bridge and constructing the crossing loop at Daroobalgie.
Hear what some of the community have to say about Inland Rail coming to Forbes.
Online community information session
For those who were unable to attend our recent online information sessions held to support the Stockinbingal to Parkes Review of Environmental Factors (REF) public exhibition, we have a recording for each REF available.
Watch Horizontal Clearances session
Watch Lachlan River Bridge Modification session
More information about the REFs is available here.

Community information presentation
This presentation provides an overview of the finalised detailed designs for crossing loop at Daroobalgie and the track lower at Wyndham Avenue road bridge.
Please post any questions you may have to the Stockinbingal to Parkes interactive map.