Starting early with rail safety
As we approach the re-opening of the Narrabri to Moree section of the Narrabri to North Star Phase 1 project, our contractor Trans4m Rail has been busy engaging the youngest members of the community about the importance of staying safe around rail lines and railway crossings.
November 23, 2022

Trans4m Rail Stakeholder Engagement Advisors Rhiannan Barr and Laura Colley visited Kiah Preschool in Moree last month (pictured above), as part of a local roadshow to educate pre and school-aged children.
The visit was all about making learning fun with signs, props and lots of hands on activity to help embed safety messages.
In the morning session, students aged between four and five, talked about how crossing a road is similar to crossing a rail line. The group talked about the hazards and risks in both situations and learnt the rail safety mantra stop, look, listen and think.
The class also used a fun colouring work sheet to identify a few hazards that can be found around everyday spaces such as homes. Children were quick to identify heat hazards such as hot tea, ovens and irons. When asked why these were dangerous the children were quick to respond, “because you’ll burn yourself”.
The session concluded with trying on brightly coloured personal protective equipment worn by Trans4m Rail staff. Lots of laughter filled the room as children tried on oversized hard hats and safety glasses, gloves and vests whilst discussing that they both protect us from the sun and keep our head and eyes safe when working.
The activities are designed to raise awareness about dangers, big and small, and practice the stop, look, listen and think method to identifying hazards. A good lesson for little people to take away and apply in their normal surroundings and perhaps even teach the bigger people around them.
The Trans4m team are utilising materials made available through the TrackSAFE Foundation, a charity established by the Australasian Railway Association and UGL in 2012 focused on reducing deaths, injuries and near hits on the rail network.
As part of their roadshow, the Tras4m Rail team has visited the Moree Lego Club and First Moree Scouts Joey Group and plan to drop into Croppa Creek School and Bellata Public School this month