
We are supporting people and businesses in the Beveridge to Albury area with opportunities to work, learn and grow their business.

We closely monitor employment and industry participation to make sure local communities are benefitting from the opportunities available.

Locals in the Beveridge to Albury area are benefitting from Inland Rail.

Between October 2022 and August 2024, the project has employed:

  • 1272 people in total, of whom 47 are First Nations people
  • 1224 local residents, of whom 45 are local and First Nations people
  • 111 women
  • 252 tradespeople
  • 174 people in a sustainable role*.

To date, 296 local businesses and 10 First Nations businesses have supplied to the project, with a total spend of:

  • $ 102.2 million with local businesses
  • $ 7.2 million with First Nations businesses.

*Employed for 26 weeks or more for a minimum of 15 hours a week

Thumbnail of Beveridge to Albury T1 Community Benefits Graphic August 2024

Beveridge to Albury Tranche 1 community benefits snapshot

Infographic summarising benefits of the Beveridge to Albury project for the local community.

Download PDF

Register interest in supplying to the project

McConnell Dowell and John Holland are seeking registrations of interest from capable and competitive suppliers and subcontractors to supply to the project.

They are committed to creating sustainable economic development and employment opportunities for local and First Nations businesses and individuals. McConnell Dowell and John Holland will provide full, fair and reasonable opportunity for capable and competitive local and First Nations businesses and social enterprises to compete for work or participate in supply chains associated with Inland Rail.

Visit ICN Gateway to view a list of open supply opportunities and register interest in supplying to the project.

View supplier information session presentations

Potential suppliers, subcontractors and equipment providers attended a series of information sessions for the Beveridge to Albury Tranche 2 section of Inland Rail during September 2024.

The information sessions encouraged local and First Nations businesses to learn about supply opportunities with John Holland for work across eight sites between Wandong and Benalla.

Watch the event video to hear from some of the attendees and download the event presentation.

View presentation

Attend a business event

The Inland Rail Skills Academy hosts free events for local businesses to find out how to get “workforce ready” for Inland Rail.

These events provide an overview of the Inland Rail project, a snapshot of the local labour market and information about support available from the Australian Government for businesses that take on apprentices and trainees.

Find out more

Sponsorship of community organisations

We are pleased to support eligible local community groups to run events, projects and activities, through our Inland Rail Community Sponsorships and Donations Program.

We offer four open rounds of funding each year.

Community initiatives we’ve funded include:

  • small business workshops for local businesses
  • youth programs to teach life and vocational skills as well as health and fitness
  • community gardens construction
  • NAIDOC Week celebrations
  • water tanks installation
  • barbeques and portable stages for community events
  • local sporting events

Find out more

Moree secondary school students

Our community partners

Inland Rail engages with Chambers of Commerce and their members to facilitate business and employment opportunities with our construction contractors which can stimulate regional growth.

By supporting regular business events and through representation, we are helping to connect regional businesses so they can network and capitalise on new opportunities as they arise.

If you’re new to the region and are interested in finding out more about how your local Chamber of Commerce can support you, we can help.

Speak to one of our friendly Stakeholder Engagement team members to find out about the Chamber of Commerce closest to you.

We are members of:

Go Seymour