North East Victoria

The Inland Rail team will be working in the existing rail corridor through North East Victoria as part of the Beveridge to Albury project.

There are five sites that need increased height and width clearances to allow double-stacked trains to use the line:


Work so far

Over the past couple of years, landowners, neighbours and the wider community have given their feedback on the designs.

The designs have been informed by ecological and cultural heritage surveys, geotechnical investigations and technical studies, and shaped by the comments we’ve received from councils, stakeholders and local communities.

This feedback’s been important as we developed our Urban Design Framework, Planning Scheme Amendment submission and Environment Report. These documents are helping to guide the design progression.

For more information visit, the Status page.

What’s next?

We’ll continue to provide updates and meet with landowners, our nearest neighbours and the wider community to provide updates and gather feedback, as we take the next steps towards building Inland Rail.


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Euroa Station Precinct, Euroa

In Euroa, we’re modifying the station precinct and replacing the Anderson Street bridge with a vehicle underpass to allow sufficient clearance for double-stacked freight trains.


Plans include:

  • relocating the western rail track
  • building a new station platform
  • adding a new pedestrian underpass

Community feedback

We’ve worked with community, stakeholders and technical specialists to develop, review and determine the best solution for Euroa.

In 2021 we considered two options for replacing the Anderson Street bridge: a road overpass, where the road goes over the rail line and a road underpass where the road goes under the rail line.

The Euroa community told us safety, connectivity, visual amenity and improving the look and feel of the station precinct was important, and based on this, the underpass was the community’s preferred option.

In early 2023 we shared the latest information on the road underpass option. This option is the more complex solution, as it requires additional flood mitigations and road safety measures be incorporated into the design. To better understand this, we undertook additional technical investigations.

The hydrological modelling we shared showed the outcome of different sized floods on the proposed underpass and the impact this has on road safety and emergency management. We heard from the community that they understood the information shared about the required flood and safety mitigations and their preferred solution was unchanged.

Based on this feedback we’ve progressed the Euroa design to include:

  • relocating the rail track to open up the station forecourt to Railway Street
  • building a new station platform and pedestrian underpass with lifts, ramps and stairs
  • adding paths to better connect the station, town centre and nearby open spaces
  • providing car parking on both sides of the station
  • removing Anderson Street bridge and progressing the community’s preferred option of a road underpass.

In late 2023, we shared a 3D visualisation of the Reference Design with community and stakeholders, answered your questions and listened to your feedback.

Euroa Station Precinct visualisation

Visualisation looking from Railway Place across the Euroa Station precinct and Anderson Street underpass

Visualisation from Railway Street across the station precinct and Anderson Street underpass

As we progressed the Reference Design in Euroa, we became aware the Goods Shed needs to be removed to enable these modifications. An independent assessment (dated August 2023) detailed the severe dilapidated condition of the shed and its risk to public safety. A follow-up inspection has been undertaken to reassess the structural condition (dated February 2024). Read the Goods Shed Information Sheet for more information.

Read the reports:

Engineering report (August 2023)

Euroa Goods Shed Follow-up Inspection Report (February 2024)

What’s next?

We’ll continue to progress designs for Euroa Station Precinct and Anderson Street, incorporating your feedback were possible.

In June 2024 we appointed John Holland as our construction contractor. Next steps are to complete site investigations and early works, finalise the design and start construction from 2025.

Community members can continue to share their views on the Euroa Station Precinct by calling into our shopfront or contacting us.


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Visualisation from the new Euroa station platform

Visualisation from the new Euroa station platform

Visualisation showing the new station forecourt, underpass and relocated track

Visualisation showing the new station forecourt, underpass and relocated track

Visualisation of the Anderson Street underpass

Visualisation of the Anderson Street underpass

Visualisation of the network of pathways and footbridges improve connectivity

Visualisation of the network of pathways and footbridges improve connectivity

Image thumbnail for Flood Management in Euroa technical fact sheet

Flood Management in Euroa technical fact sheet

This technical fact sheets provides information around flood management in Euroa.

Download PDF

Benalla Station Precinct, Benalla

In Benalla, there is not enough clearance under the station overpass off Mackellar Street for double-stacked freight trains.


Plans include:

To increase clearance in Benalla, we are:

  • relocating the track on the south side of the station (Mackellar Street side) to the north side (Railway Place side) of the station, and
  • removing the existing Benalla Station Approach Road overpass.

Plans include building a new platform to access the new track and upgrading pedestrian access to improve connectivity across the station precinct.

Community feedback

Since 2019 we’ve worked with community, stakeholders and technical specialist to develop, review and determine the best solution for Benalla.

We considered two options:

  • replacing the bridge
  • realigning the track as part of a station modification

In 2021, we sought feedback from the Benalla community on the two options. We heard overwhelming support to modify the station.

In 2022, we shared designs for a pedestrian underpass and overpass extending access across the station precinct. During this time, we clearly heard the underpass was the community’s preferred option and incorporated this feedback into the latest design.

Benalla Station Precinct visualisations

This visualisation showcases the key features of the latest Benalla Station Precinct design.


The design also informed the Benalla Concept Plan, which is required to be approved by the Minister for Planning as part of the Inland Rail project approvals.

The Concept Report and Plan was on public exhibition between 31 July and 28 August, during which time written submissions were accepted.

A summary of submissions received, key themes and ARTC’s response will be provided to the Minister for Planning as part of the formal request for approval of the Benalla Concept Plan.

Download the Benalla Station Precinct Concept Plan Report

Download the Benalla Station Precinct Concept Plans

Benalla Signal Hut

As designs for Inland Rail have progressed, it’s become evident the Benalla Signal Hut needs to be removed as it conflicts with the future rail and pedestrian infrastructure planned as part of the project.

Between 3-31 July, we’re inviting the community to share their feedback on the interpretation options for the Benalla Signal Hut via an online survey.

We’ve engaged heritage specialists to develop a Heritage Interpretation Plan, which provides options for interpreting the signal hut within the station precinct.

Click here for more information and to complete the survey.

More information

In September 2023 an independent engineering assessment of the Benalla Signal Hut was undertaken to understand the condition of the building and its potential for repurposing some elements. The report details the severe dilapidated condition of the structure. A follow up inspection report was undertaken in April 2024 to reassess its structural condition.

Engineering report

Revisit Inspection Report

How we’ve listened

Thanks to community feedback, we are:

  • Creating an open and connected public space by removing the existing road bridge from Mackellar Street
  • Realigning the rail track from the south of the station to the north of the station and building a new platform
  • Building a new, significantly shorter pedestrian underpass with lifts, ramps and stairs
  • Improving safety and accessibility with a new car park, bus stop and additional parking spaces
  • Installing a network of pathways to provide better pedestrian access
  • Integrating sustainable elements within the design
  • Leaving the historic station building untouched
  • Incorporating a streetscape sympathetic to the heritage features of Benalla.

All works must comply with current safety standards including AustRoad, Department Transport and Planning and the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA), A second platform is a requirement of the Victorian Government’s Department of Transport and Planning and V/Line. It ensures ongoing operational flexibility on the line and allows for any future increase in train services.

What’s next?

We’ll continue to progress designs for Benalla Station Precinct, incorporating your feedback were possible.

In June 2024 we appointed John Holland as our construction contractor. Next steps are to complete site investigations and early works, finalise the design and start construction from 2025.

Community members can continue to share their views on the Benalla Station Precinct by calling into our shopfront or contacting us.


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Visualisation of Benalla Station Precinct looking toward Melbourne

Visualisation of Benalla Station Precinct looking toward Melbourne

Visualisation of the new light and bright pedestrian underpass with lifts, ramps and stairs

Visualisation of the new light and bright pedestrian underpass with lifts, ramps and stairs

Visualisation of an open and connected public space after removal of the existing road bridge from Mackellar Street

Visualisation of an open and connected public space after removal of the existing road bridge from Mackellar Street

Visualisation of Benalla Station Precinct from Railway place looking towards Mackellar Street

Visualisation of Benalla Station Precinct from Railway Place looking towards Mackellar Street

Beaconsfield Parade bridge, Glenrowan

In Glenrowan, the Beaconsfield Parade bridge has been replaced with a new higher bridge for double-stacked freight trains to pass safely.


Community feedback

In 2018 and 2019 we consulted with the Glenrowan community on a design option to lower the track under the Beaconsfield Parade bridge by up to 2.3 metres.

Feedback from stakeholders, community members, heritage specialists and Heritage Victoria about the potential impacts on the community and the Heritage Precinct by lowering the track led us to determine that a new bridge is the best option.

In 2021, the local community told us heritage, safety, accessibility and connectivity were important and this feedback has helped inform the current design.

We shared a 3D visualisation of the design progress in 2022. The updated design incorporates a network of pathways to better connect key heritage sites, a shared user overpass that improves community safety and sympathetic landscaping and finishes which respect the precinct’s heritage.

What’s next?

The new Beaconsfield Parade bridge was opened in March 2024.

Construction will be completed in 2024.


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Beaconsfield Parade Bridge visualisations

These visualisations provide a representation of the final design, including the new bridge, pathways, parking and the improved shared user path

An illustration of a streetscape showing a bridge over railway tracks.

Visualisation showcasing Glenrowan’s new Beaconsfield Parade bridge precinct.

Illustration showing cars driving on a bridge with a streetscape around it

Visualisation looking north across the new Beaconsfield Parade bridge from Gladstone Street, Glenrowan.

Illustration showing cars approaching a bridge with a grassed area beside the bridge.

Visualisation looking south across the new Beaconsfield Parade bridge from Church Street, Glenrowan.

Illustration showing landscaping and a car park near a bridge

Visualisation of the network of pathways improving access to key heritage sites in Glenrowan.

An illustration showing a bike path and carparks next to a bridge

Visualisation of the new parking and road connections in Glenrowan.

Image thumbnail for Glenrowan fact sheet

Glenrowan fact sheet

This document provides information on the Beveridge to Albury Glenrowan project site, including a project overview, how we have listened and what you can expect during construction.

Download PDF

Wangaratta Station Precinct, Wangaratta

At Wangaratta, there is not enough clearance under the two station footbridges or under the Green Street bridge for double-stacked freight trains.


Plans include:

To increase clearance in Wangaratta, we are:

  • removing the two Wangaratta Station footbridges and replacing them with a single pedestrian underpass
  • relocating the existing track and platform on the eastern side of Wangaratta Station, so it sits parallel to the current track on the western side of the station
  • lowering the tracks and replacing the Green Street bridge in the same location on the same alignment.

Community feedback

The Wangaratta community has told us that increased safety around the station precinct through improved lighting and enhanced security is important. We’ve also heard safety and accessibility concerns about the existing footbridges, making improved connectivity across the station precinct for everyone a focus of the design.

In 2022, we shared our 3D model and visual animation with the community.

Thanks to local community feedback, we are:

  • installing a pedestrian underpass that will be light, bright and safe with clear lines of sight from each end
  • providing improved access across the station precinct with ramps and lifts
  • restoring connectivity between the station and Norton Street by removing “The Dive” and creating community spaces
  • providing 22 new car parks
  • incorporating a design for the broader station precinct that respects the heritage values of the area.

What’s next?

Construction in Wangaratta is underway.

We estimate construction will be completed in 2025.


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Wangaratta Precinct



Visualisation showing design of Wangaratta Station

Wangaratta Station Precinct visualisation looking towards Spearing Street

Visualisation showing design of Wangaratta Station

Wangaratta Station Precinct visualisation looking towards Albury Wodonga

Visualisation showing design of Wangaratta Station pedestrian underpass

Wangaratta Station Precinct visualisation of the pedestrian underpass looking towards Norton Street

Visualisation showing design of Wangaratta Station pedestrian underpass

Wangaratta Station Precinct visualisation of the pedestrian underpass

Green Street bridge

Works to provide sufficient clearance under Green Street bridge started in early 2024.


To allow the safe running of double-stacked freight trains we’re lowering the rail line by 2.8 metres, realigning the tracks and replacing the existing Green Street bridge in the same location.

During construction, the Green Street bridge will be closed and there will be vehicle and pedestrian detours in place. Detours will be in place until works are safely completed.

A map showing the detour around Green Street Bridge, Wangaratta, for Inland Rail works.

Click on the map to see a larger version.

Green Street bridge visualisations

Aerial view of the visualisation of Green Street bridge replacement.

Green Street Bridge aerial level, showing current view Green Street Bridge aerial level, showing design view

Ground view of the visualisation of Green Street bridge replacement.

Green Street Bridge ground level, showing current view Green Street Bridge ground level, showing design view
Document thumbnail for Wangaratta fact sheet

Wangaratta fact sheet

This document provides information on the Inland Rail project in Wangaratta, including a project overview, how we have listened and what you can expect during construction.

Download PDF

Murray Valley Highway, Barnawartha North

Major construction to lower the rail tracks under the Murray Valley Highway road bridge at Barnawartha North is now complete. 

Work began on the project in November 2022 and more than 125 workers contributed to lowering the track by approximately 1.4 metres under the highway bridge.

The project required 400 metres of track to be dug up and five Olympic swimming pools of soil to be removed to allow double-stacked freight trains to pass underneath the bridge.

The bridge foundations have been reinforced, drainage installed, levee banks constructed, 6,000 tonnes of rock ballast deposited, and 800 new concrete sleepers and 800 metres of rail laid.

Watch the timelapse showing how we lowered the rail track at Barnawartha North in September 2023.


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