John Holland inspection blitz between Wandong and Seymour

Our construction partner John Holland will undertake an inspection blitz from Friday 30 August to the early hours of Monday 2 September between Wandong and Seymour.

The Beveridge to Albury Tranche 2 round-the-clock works will occur during a V/Line railway track possession, allowing John Holland to undertake investigations safely without trains running on the V/Line tracks.

During the possession John Holland will:

  • Investigate existing bridges by undertaking footing exposures
  • Investigate the rail track and road reserve
  • Examine the rail signal correlations, and
  • Dig a small number of bore holes and auger holes.

These investigation works will help confirm the location of existing underground services, gain a clearer understanding of soil conditions, bridge foundations and footings, and the rail corridor and surrounding areas.

The information gathered through these works will help inform designs and planning for construction, bridge upgrades, track lowering, and road realignment works.

As part of the broader scope of works for the Beveridge to Albury Tranche 2 project, John Holland will complete similar investigation works, during a broader ARTC track possession, from Saturday 14 September until Monday 16 September.

These works will help John Holland get construction ready for next year. Near-by local residents will be informed of these activities via works notifications. To stay up-to-date with what going on, visit our website.

Learn more: Beveridge to Albury section of Inland Rail

Workers in Wandong undertaking investigations ahead of construction.
Temporary site establishment in Wandong to support investigation and survey works.
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