Inland Rail is a 1600km freight rail line connecting Melbourne and Brisbane that will transform how goods are moved around Australia.
In Victoria we’re upgrading 262km of existing rail line between Beveridge and Albury at 12 sites, including Benalla, to allow double-stacked freight trains to pass safely and ensure everyday products can be delivered faster and more reliably.
> Learn more: What is Inland Rail?
In Benalla, we’re modifying the station precinct to allow sufficient clearance for double-stacked freight trains to use the line.
Plans include:
- relocating the track on the south side of the station (Mackellar Street side) to the north side (Railway Place side) of the station, and
- removing the existing Benalla Station Approach Road overpass
- building a new platform to access the new track
- upgrading pedestrian access with a new pedestrian underpass.

Current works notices
Below is a list of current works notifications for Benalla.
View previous works in our works notice archive.
Community feedback
Since 2019 we’ve worked with community, stakeholders and technical specialist to develop, review and determine the best solution for Benalla.
During engagement, we’ve heard safety, accessibility, connectivity and visual amenity are important to you, and we’ve improved the design to deliver these outcomes.
In 2021:
We sought feedback from the Benalla community on two options, replacing the bridge or realigning the track as part of a station modification.
We heard overwhelming support to modify the station.
In 2022:
We shared designs for a pedestrian underpass and overpass extending access across the station precinct. During this time, we clearly heard the underpass was the community’s preferred option and incorporated this feedback into the design.
In 2023:
We’ve continued to share information and seek community feedback as the designs have progressed.
Based on this feedback we’re:
- creating an open and connected public space by removing the existing road bridge from Mackellar Street
- realigning the rail track from the south of the station to the north of the station and building a new platform
- building a new, significantly shorter pedestrian underpass with lifts, ramps and stairs
- improving safety and accessibility with a new car park, bus stop and additional parking spaces
- installing a network of pathways to provide better pedestrian access
- leaving the historic station building untouched
- incorporating a streetscape sympathetic to the heritage features of Benalla.
All works must comply with current safety standards including AustRoad, Department Transport and Planning and the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA).
A second platform is a requirement of the Victorian Government’s Department of Transport and Planning and V/Line. It ensures ongoing operational flexibility on the line and allows for any future increase in train services.
Sharing the latest design
With construction set to begin later this year, we’re ready to share the updated design and seek your feedback on landscaping, seating and decorative options.
Our contractor John Holland will be available to talk with the community about next steps and what to expect in Benalla.
Between 17 February and 16 March you can view the design and share your feedback.
The design has informed the Benalla Concept Plan, which is required to be approved by the Minister for Planning as part of the Inland Rail project approvals.
The Concept Report and Plan was on public exhibition between 31 July and 28 August 2023, during which time written submissions were accepted.
A summary of submissions received, key themes and ARTC’s response will be provided to the Minister for Planning as part of the formal request for approval of the Benalla Concept Plan.
As designs for Inland Rail have progressed, it’s become evident the Benalla Signal Hut needs to be removed as it conflicts with the future rail and pedestrian infrastructure planned as part of the project.
Between 3-31 July, we invited the community to share their feedback on the interpretation options for the Benalla Signal Hut via an online survey.
We engaged heritage specialists to develop a Heritage Interpretation Plan, which provides options for interpreting the signal hut within the station precinct.
In September 2023 an independent engineering assessment of the Benalla Signal Hut was undertaken to understand the condition of the building and its potential for repurposing some elements. The report details the severe dilapidated condition of the structure. A follow up inspection report was undertaken in April 2024 to reassess its structural condition.
What’s next?
We’ll continue to progress designs for Benalla Station Precinct, incorporating your feedback were possible.
In June 2024 we appointed John Holland as our construction contractor. Next steps are to complete site investigations and early works, finalise the design and start construction in 2025.
Community members can continue to share their views on the Benalla Station Precinct by calling into our shopfront or contacting us.
Benalla Station Precinct visualisation
Artist impressions of the design shows a likeness of what the area may look like when work is completed.
Inland Rail in Victoria: Contact details
If you have any questions about the Inland Rail project, you can contact our Victorian team by phone, email, mail, or at one of our drop-in sessions.