
Inland Rail is a 1600km freight rail line connecting Melbourne and Brisbane that will transform how goods are moved around Australia.

In Victoria we’re upgrading 262km of existing rail line between Beveridge and Albury at 12 sites, including at the Hume Freeway bridge, Tallarook, to allow double-stacked freight trains to pass safely and ensure everyday products can be delivered faster and more reliably.

Current works notices

Below is a list of current works notifications for Tallarook.

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View previous works in our works notice archive.

At the Hume Freeway bridge, Tallarook, we plan to lower the track by up to two metres at the lowest point under the bridge.

Lowering works will be done on both approaches to provide a gradual decline.

We don’t expect this work will have a large impact on the community, but we’ll continue to share information as the designs progress.

In June 2024 we appointed John Holland as our construction contractor. Next steps are to complete site investigations and early works, finalise the design and start construction from 2025.

Image of existing Hume Freeway bridge in Tallarook

Inland Rail in Victoria: Contact details

If you have any questions about the Inland Rail project, you can contact our Victorian team by phone, email, mail, or at one of our drop-in sessions.


Contact us
Phone:1800 732 761
during business hours
or leave a message and
we will get back to you.
Mail: Inland Rail Pty Ltd
PO Box 217,
Collins Street West
VIC 8007
Shopfront and drop-in locations
BenallaWednesdays, 10am-2pm53 Carrier Street, Benalla
BroadfordWednesdays, 10am-1pmCountry Soul Café, 1/70 High Street, Broadford
EuroaTuesdays, 10am-2pm46-50 Binney Street, Euroa
WandongMondays, 10am-1pmWandong Plaza, Shop 7, 3272 Epping-Kilmore Road, Wandong
WangarattaThursdays, 10am-2pm48a Norton Street, Wangaratta