
Inland Rail is a 1600km freight rail line connecting Melbourne and Brisbane that will transform how goods are moved around Australia.

In Victoria we’re upgrading 262km of existing rail line between Beveridge and Albury at 12 sites, including Euroa, to allow double-stacked freight trains to pass safely and ensure everyday products can be delivered faster and more reliably.

> Learn more: What is Inland Rail?

In Euroa, we’re modifying the station precinct and replacing the Anderson Street bridge with a vehicle underpass to allow sufficient clearance for double-stacked freight trains.

Plans include:

  • relocating the western rail track
  • building a new station platform
  • adding a new pedestrian underpass
A view of a heritage railway station.

Current works notices

Below is a list of current works notifications for Euroa.

View previous works in our works notice archive.

Community feedback

We’ve worked with community, stakeholders and technical specialists to develop, review and determine the best solution for Euroa.

During engagement we’ve heard safety, connectivity, visual amenity and improving the look and feel of the station precinct was important to you and we’ve updated designs to deliver these outcomes.


In 2021:

We considered two options for replacing the Anderson Street bridge: a road overpass, where the road goes over the rail line and a road underpass where the road goes under the rail line.

Based on feedback we’re progressing the community’s preferred option of a vehicle underpass.

In early 2023:

We shared the latest information on the road underpass option. This option is the more complex solution, as it requires additional flood mitigations and road safety measures be incorporated into the design. To better understand this, we undertook additional technical investigations.

The hydrological modelling we shared showed the outcome of different sized floods on the proposed underpass and the impact this has on road safety and emergency management. We heard from the community that they understood the information shared about the required flood and safety mitigations and their preferred solution was unchanged.


In late 2024:

We’ve continued to share information and seek community feedback as the designs have progressed.

Based on this feedback, we are:

  • enhancing the look and feel of the precinct with a new station forecourt
  • adding car parking both sides of the station
  • improving access with lifts, ramps and stairs
  • including new pedestrian underpasses
  • building a network of pathways to better connect the community parklands and open spaces.

In late 2024, we shared the latest design and sought your preferences on landscaping, urban design finishes, colour palettes and heritage interpretation options. The final plan for these elements will be determined based on a range of feedback sources including community input. It is also subject to acceptance from relevant future asset managers.

Euroa Station Precinct visualisation

This visualisation showcases the key features of the latest Euroa Station Precinct and Anderson Street underpass design.


An artist impression of a railway station forecourt with a landscaped area at the front.
Visualisation of the new station forecourt and entrance from Railway Street.
An artists impression of a railway station
Visualisation of the Euroa Station Precinct and Anderson Street vehicle underpass.

The design has informed the Euroa Concept Plan, which is required to be approved by the Minister for Planning as part of Inland Rail’s project approvals.

The Concept Report and Plan was on public exhibition between 18 November and 15 December 2024, during which time written submissions were accepted.

A summary of written submissions received, key themes and Inland Rail’s response will be provided to the Minister for Planning as part of the formal request for approval of the Euroa Concept Plan.

View Euroa Concept Plan Report

View Euroa Concept Plan (drawings)

As designs for Inland Rail have progressed, it’s become evident the Euroa Goods Shed needs to be removed to enable these works.

Inland Rail acknowledges the decision by the Heritage Council of Victoria on 12 September, 2024, not to include the Euroa Goods Shed in the Victorian Heritage Register and has taken the necessary steps to remove the Goods Shed.

We’ve engaged heritage specialists to develop a Heritage Interpretation Plan for the Euroa Goods Shed, which provides options for interpreting the shed within the station precinct.

Between 12 November and 15 December, we shared these options and sought your feedback.

Download the Heritage Interpretation Plan

Engineering and Inspection Reports

In August 2023 an independent engineering assessment of the Euroa Goods Shed was undertaken to understand the condition of the building and its potential for repurposing some elements. The report detailed the severe dilapidated condition and its risk to public safety. A follow-up inspection was undertaken in February 2024.

Read the Goods Shed Information Sheet for more information.

Read the reports:

Engineering report (August 2023)

Euroa Goods Shed Follow-up Inspection Report (February 2024)

What’s next?

We’ll continue to progress designs for Euroa Station Precinct and Anderson Street, incorporating your feedback were possible.

Next steps are to complete site investigations and early works, finalise the design and start construction from 2025.

Our construction partner John Holland will continue to work with the community about what they can expect when construction starts.

Community members can continue to share their views on the Euroa Station Precinct by calling into our shopfront or contacting us.

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Inland Rail in Victoria: Contact details

If you have any questions about the Inland Rail project, you can contact our Victorian team by phone, email, mail, or at one of our drop-in sessions.


Contact us
Phone:1800 732 761
during business hours
or leave a message and
we will get back to you.
Mail: Inland Rail Pty Ltd
PO Box 217,
Collins Street West
VIC 8007
Shopfront and drop-in locations
BenallaWednesdays, 10am-2pm53 Carrier Street, Benalla
BroadfordWednesdays, 10am-1pmCountry Soul Café, 1/70 High Street, Broadford
EuroaTuesdays, 10am-2pm46-50 Binney Street, Euroa
WandongMondays, 10am-1pmWandong Plaza, Shop 7, 3272 Epping-Kilmore Road, Wandong
WangarattaThursdays, 10am-2pm48a Norton Street, Wangaratta