Local supplier opportunities

Find out how local businesses can get involved with Inland Rail’s Beveridge to Albury section.


We are supporting people and businesses in the Beveridge to Albury area with opportunities to work, learn and grow their business.

We closely monitor employment and industry participation to make sure local communities are benefitting from the opportunities available.

Locals in the Beveridge to Albury area are benefitting from Inland Rail. Between October 2022 and October 2024, the project has employed:

  • 1451 people in total, of whom 48 are First Nations people
  • 1396 local residents, of whom 46 are local and First Nations people
  • 116 women
  • 190 people in a sustainable role.*

To date, 320 local businesses and 10 First Nations businesses have supplied to the project, with a total spend of:

  • $127.6 million with local businesses
  • $7.8 million with Indigenous businesses.

*Employed for 26 weeks or more for a minimum of 15 hours a week

How to register for supplier opportunities


McConnell Dowell and John Holland are seeking registrations of interest from capable and competitive suppliers and subcontractors to supply to the project.

They are committed to creating sustainable economic development and employment opportunities for local and First Nations businesses and individuals. McConnell Dowell and John Holland will provide full, fair and reasonable opportunity for capable and competitive local and First Nations businesses and social enterprises to compete for work or participate in supply chains associated with Inland Rail.

Visit ICN Gateway to view a list of open supply opportunities and register interest in supplying to the project:

Register: Tranche 1 ICN Gateway

Register: Tranche 2 ICN Gateway

View supplier information session presentations


Potential suppliers, subcontractors and equipment providers attended a series of information sessions for the Beveridge to Albury Tranche 2 section of Inland Rail during September 2024.

The information sessions encouraged local and First Nations businesses to learn about supply opportunities with John Holland for work across eight sites between Wandong and Benalla.

Watch the event video to hear from some of the attendees and download the event presentation.

View presentation

Attend a business event


The Inland Rail Skills Academy hosts free events for local businesses to find out how to get “workforce ready” for Inland Rail.

These events provide an overview of the Inland Rail project, a snapshot of the local labour market and information about support available from the Australian Government for businesses that take on apprentices and trainees.

Find out more

People sitting in a room listening to a lecture.

Information for jobseekers


Rail construction jobs

We don’t hire directly for construction jobs on Inland Rail, but you can see what jobs our construction contractors have available by visiting their websites:

Not what you’re looking for? Check our growing list of awarded contracts and click through to company websites to see if they are hiring.

View awarded contracts

Workers laying the formwork at Seymour-Avenel Road, November 2024.

Roles with Inland Rail Pty Ltd

Check out the vacancies on our jobs page.

Inland Rail Roles