The sites will be used to store construction materials and equipment and may include portable buildings, vehicle parking, hardstands, concrete barriers, lighting and temporary fencing.
Approved vegetation removal around the site will be undertaken where required.
Establishing site compounds is an important activity before major Inland Rail construction begins. Careful planning and site coordination is undertaken to ensure the site adheres to safety and environmental regulations.
While the site compound is operational, the community can expect additional vehicle and worker movements and trucks transporting equipment in the area.
To minimise our impacts, the site will operate between 7am-6pm Monday to Friday and 7am-1pm Saturdays. Where site access is required outside of these hours, nearby residents will be notified in advance.
Throughout early works and construction, we’re committed to keeping local residents, businesses and other important stakeholders informed of what we are doing.
John Holland has been engaged to deliver Inland Rail at eight sites in Benalla, Euroa, Seymour, Tallarook, Broadford and Wandong.
Site compound establishment works underway at Anderson Street, Euroa.