We are committed to working with landowners and the wider community to ensure the best outcome for the region and encourage you to get in touch with us, with questions big or small.
Stop by our Narrabri shopfront at 85 Maitland Street, Narrabri or call us on 1800 732 761.
To date, our team has spoken with many affected property owners and community members through one-on-one discussions, briefings, meetings and workshops. This consultation has been used to discuss key topics such as route refinement, flood management, level crossings and community issues as well as discussing impacts associated with Inland Rail. Locals have been generous in sharing their knowledge and we have received a lot of valuable feedback to date and will continue to gather feedback as the project continues.
Refining the route between Narromine and Narrabri
The final proposed rail alignment for the Narromine to Narrabri section builds on 15 years of engineering and environmental investigations, robust community engagement and continued design refinements.
Consultation with the community and key stakeholders about the route commenced in 2015. It enabled local knowledge to be collected and considered in the options development and route selection processes.
In mid-2016 workshops were held with stakeholders, landowners, farmers’ representatives, councils, community organizations and state agencies, leading to the consideration of several route options through and around the Pilliga State Forest.
Extensive rounds of community consultation were conducted during March to May 2017, December 2017 to November 2018 and August 2019 to October 2020.

The final route was presented to the community for comment during the exhibition of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) between December 2020 and February 2021. In 2021 further review and assessment of alternative route options was carried out and later published in the Preferred Infrastructure/Amendment Report.
The review confirmed the final alignment as the safest, fastest, least complex and least disruptive to the community, with very minor flood impacts during a 1-in-100-year flood event.
On 21 February 2023, Inland Rail received approval from the NSW Minister for Planning to progress the N2N section, subject to conditions.
The project including the route was further approved and endorsed by the Australian Government in January 2024 under the EPBC Act 1999.

Leave your feedback on the interactive map
We have developed an interactive map of the current project design. Drop a pin on the map to add your comment. Your feedback will help us get a better understanding of key issues from a community perspective.
Information on how the study area was determined is detailed in the Narromine to Narrabri Options Report.

Narromine to Narrabri Options Report
This Options Report summarises the process, inputs and decisions made by the Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) to assess alternative options and identify the Study Area for the Melbourne to Brisbane Inland Rail (Inland Rail) between Narromine and Narrabri.